Queer in STEM in TAS 2021
When: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 13th, October 2021
Where: 10am to 12pm in the Aurora Lecture Theatre at IMAS Salamanca, TAS
National Coming Out Day is coming up once again! QueersInScience and IMAS are running their annual Queer in STEM in TAS event on the morning of October 13th, in which queer scientists from across the University will give short talks about their research and experiences. The event last year was run fully online, but this year the talks can be watched either online or in person with morning tea provided for those in attendance. QueersInScience members, and staff and students from the IMAS and School of Natural Sciences are welcome to attend the event on Wednesday October 13 from 10am to 12pm in the Aurora Lecture Theatre at IMAS Salamanca.