Who we are

​QueersInScience is an initiative that is building community and improving support for LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) in Australia.

​QueersInScience is proudly hosted by the Walter and Eliza Institute of Medical Research.

Our vision

A STEMM culture where queer people are supported to thrive in their authentic selves, and achieve career goals unhindered by structural barriers that enforce cis-heteronormative standards.

To see diverse LGBTQIA+ people active, visible, and thriving across the STEMM sector in academia, government, and industry, and throughout all career stages into senior leadership. To create cultures and environments in our Australian STEMM sector where people can integrate their scientific and queer identities, and any person in STEMM can find and connect to a local LGBTQIA+ community.


​To foster and champion an inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM.

QueersInScience recognises that welcoming and valuing LGBTQIA+ professionals and students is beneficial to both individuals and the organisation.

​The QueersInScience vision is supported and driven by five cornerstones:

  • Visibility to empower LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM, and to showcase the important contributions that members of the LGBTQIA+ community make to STEMM in Australia.
  • Advocacy to promote safe and inclusive STEMM workplaces for all LGBTQIA+ people including implementation of best practice policies. Our sector-specific perspectives and lived experiences advise research institutions, universities, government, and NFPs to inform decision making, service delivery, reporting, data collection, and more.
  • Community to provide the opportunity for LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM to engage in social and professional networking in a safe and inclusive environment, and to establish a culture that encourages a sense of belonging for LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM.
  • Education to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ experience in STEMM and the roles that STEMM organisations and colleagues play in creating a welcoming environment for LGBTQIA+ individuals, by debunking stereotypes and providing resources that help implement inclusive policies, language, terminology, and pronouns.
  • Intersectionality to prioritise the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM facing compounding types of discrimination on the basis of belonging to multiple marginalised communities. By acknowledging First Nations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their unique place in the community; and embracing LGBTQIA+ people of diverse ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, disabilities, religions, ages and gender identities.

QueersInScience is a National Network run by local state chapters. To get involved, or find out what we’re up to, check out your local chapter.

Who is QueersInScience for?

QueersInScience is for any LGBTQIA+ identifying individual within a STEMM field. This includes professionals, researchers, students, administration, support services and anyone who helps to advance these great fields.


  • Providing a network of LGBTQIA+ people in STEMM outside of individual organisations
  • Bespoke, tailored resources, perspectives, lived experiences, and informed input for STEMM organisations


  • Partner with our organisation
  • Sponsor our organisation (cash and in-kind)
  • Request LGBTQIA+ in STEMM speakers for your next event
  • Request consultation for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in your work or workplace
  • Request workshops for your team or workplace
  • Share our resources and events to your workplace or local community
  • Share our posts on social media
  • Volunteer with us


Find out about the people involved in QueersInScience at a national level.

Visit: Committee chev

Queer's Wall

Find out about our travelling display highlighting queer scientists in Australia.

Visit: Queer's Wall chev

Scott Johnson Award

Nominate for the Scott Johnson Memorial Award and find out about past recipients.

Visit: Scott Johnson Memorial Award chev