LGBTQIA+ STEMM Day Symposium 2021
When: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm 18th, November 2021
Where: Online (Zoom and Gathertown)
It's time for the third Annual LGBTQIA+ STEMM Symposium. The celebration will begin with two keynote presentations followed by an interactive session in Gathertown where you can roam and network with QueersInScience members and listen to Lightning talks showcasing amazing work being done by LGBTQIA+ scientists across a breadth of STEMM disciplines. Registration and submission of lightening talks open now!

Keynote speakers
Lisa Harvey-Smith is Australia’s first Women in STEM Ambassador and a Professor of Practice at the University of New South Wales. Lisa has translated her research in space and astrophysics to several children’s books that convey her passion for science communication and engaging generations of future scientists. Lisa will discuss workplace culture, practical inclusion, Pride networks and their role in workplace, and provide an overview of her work in driving diversity in STEM in her role as the Ambassador.

Ruth McNair AM is an Honorary Associate Professor at the Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne and a general practitioner and founding director of an inner-Melbourne general practice. She has clinical and research interests in lesbian and bisexual women’s mental health, sexual health, same-sex parenting, trans affirmation care and LGBT health care and homelessness. She is on the Victorian Government LGBTI Health and Human Services Working group. She became a Member of the Order of Australia in 2019 for significant service to medicine and as an advocate for the LGBTI community. Ruth will present on building resilience and balancing being authentic but also safe in the workplace.

Lightning talks
Showcase the amazing science you are doing to QiS members in the lightning talk session within Gather – one slide and a 3 minute presentation.
Prizes will be awarded for the best three talks.
The submission process is simple – provide your details, talk title, career stage and discipline area here by November 13.
Selection of lightening talks will be based on breadth of disciplines to cover broad areas of STEMM and career stage with preference for students and ECRs.