The Biology of Sexuality and Gender with Professor Andrew Barron and Dr Riki Lane
When: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 30th, January 2020
Where: The Royal Society of Victoria, VIC
The second event in the Midsumma Science Lecture Series, presented by QueersInScience and The Royal Society of Victoria.
About the Event
We are complicated beings. When it comes to the expression of our sexuality and gender identities, it can be difficult to understand how we can be so different from one another, and to value that diversity.
Science can give us valuable context and help to demystify our mysterious species. Join us to explore the biology of sexuality, driven by fundamental behavioural systems such as cognition, navigation, social behaviour, learning and memory, and the biomedical aspects of trans and gender diversity.
About the speakers:Professor Andrew Barron is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, and Deputy Head of the Department of Biological Sciences at Macquarie University. Andrew is an expert in understanding of fundamental human behavioural